What Are The Common Reasons For Dental Implant Failure?

Do you have a missing tooth or teeth? Are you looking for a permanent solution that will replace your missing teeth and give you back your smile? If yes, dental implants from Bartlesville, OK, is the best tooth replacement option for your missing teeth. 

Even though dental implants have a high success rate, there’s still a chance you might have a dental implant failure. Following is in-depth information on the common reasons for dental implant failure and what are the preventive measure you can take to ensure a successful recovery.

What Are The Common Reasons For Dental Implant Failure?

If you want to replace missing teeth, you need to get the best dental implants in Bartlesville, OK, that will enhance your quality of life. However, you might still run the risk of dental implant failure. The following are a few common reasons for dental implant failure.

1. Misalignment Of The Dental Implant

The most challenging aspect of dental implants is the location. The implants must be placed perfectly, surrounded by the bone. However, sometimes the ideal position may end up misaligned. When this occurs, the crown placed on your implant can look unnatural, and your gums will also recede, causing the implant to be visible around the gums.

This can be tricky to rectify, and the removal process can damage the surrounding teeth. This is why it is essential getting it placed correctly on the first attempt. Therefore, you need to make sure you get only the best dentist in Bartlesville, OK, who has the experience and knowledge to give you the best results.

2. Poorly Taken Impressions

Impressions of your tooth are taken by the dentist and sent to the lab to create your customized crowns. If they aren’t perfect, the replacement teeth won’t fit you and can cause gaps between the crown and the gum. This will compromise the look and function of your teeth. It can also expose your roots and teeth to bacteria, which can cause tooth infection. This will cost you a lot more in the long run.

It is also important to seal the tooth properly, if the cement that binds the crown and the dental implant leaks onto the gums, it can cause an infection. This is why the skills and experience of the implant dentist are important.

3. Peri-Implantitis 

Peri-implantitis is one of the main reasons for dental implant failure. It is an inflammatory response that occurs shortly after the procedure is complete. It is caused due to formation of bacteria in the mouth.

Peri-implantitis can damage the bone and gums that surround the implant. It can lead to subsequent bone loss or implant failure. This condition can be treated, but in most cases, the implant will need to be replaced. Peri-implantitis occurs mostly among patients that have diabetes or are smokers, or people with bad oral hygiene.

4. Failed Osseointegration

When your dental implant is placed in your bone, the bone and the implant is fused, i.e., the process of osseointegration occurs. This process can take several weeks or months. Sometimes, the implant won’t merge due to insufficient bone. This can cause the implant to get loose or it can even fall out.

Bone density is an important deciding factor when it comes to the success of your dental implants. Therefore, a thorough evaluation of bone health, density, and sufficiency needs to be done before the procedure. If there’s insufficient jawbone, you will require a bone graft or sinus lift to create the correct conditions for the implants to be placed.

5. Nerve Damage

Never damage is a rare phenomenon, but it can happen when a dental implant is placed too close to the nerves. This happens in the case of inexperienced dentists who don’t provide treatment planning as a part of the procedure. A treatment plan helps the dentist and the patients to understand where the implants will be placed, the aftermath of the procedure, etc.

What Are The Preventive Measures To Ensure A Successful Dental Implant Restoration?

Even though you can’t prevent certain dental implant failures. You can take the following steps to reduce the risk of failure.

  • Brush and floss daily and use mouthwash.
  • Visit the dentist in Bartlesville, OK, every six months.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Increase your calcium intake to support strong bones. You can consume calcium-rich foods like milk, yogurt, broccoli, oranges, and cheese.
  • Don’t get immediate tooth replacement after an implant procedure.
  • Avoid habits that damage the teeth like eating hard candies, ice, or chewing on pen caps.

Dental Implants In Bartlesville, OK

If you are considering getting dental implants or are wondering, “Are dental implants right for me?”, visit our dental office in  Bartlesville, OK, today to find out! Here at Ron Hart, DDS, our team goes above and beyond to ensure a successful restoration. Contact us today to get the best quality dental implants. 

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